The Four Elements of Astrology and the Tarot
“Earth, water, fire, and wind. Where there is energy there is life.” Suzy Kassem
WANDS in the Tarot correspond to the element of FIRE in Astrology
PENTACLES in the Tarot correspond to the element of EARTH in Astrology
SWORDS in the Tarot correspond to the element of AIR in Astrology
CUPS in the Tarot correspond to the element of WATER in Astrology
FIRE is the element of energy, drive, motivation, confidence, courage, spontaneity and adventure. In its negative form it can create impatience and recklessness.
The three Fire Signs are ARIES, LEO & SAGITTARIUS
EARTH is the element of stability, sustainability, practicality, perseverance and organisation. In its negative form it can create greed and stagnation.
The three Earth Signs are TAURUS, VIRGO & CAPRICORN
AIR is the element of understanding and the ability to absorb, process and communicate information. In its negative form it can create coldness and cruelty.
The three Airs Signs are GEMINI, LIBRA & AQUARIUS
WATER is the element of imagination, intuition, instinct, empathy and compassion. In its negative form it can create panic, chaos and confusion.
The three Water Signs are CANCER, SCORPIO & PISCES
Tarot element energies are interpreted in much the same way as they are in astrology
WANDS represent fiery energy – enthusiastic and restless. Wands’ cards speak of situations involving movement and hopes for the future. They encourage self-motivation and an entrepreneurial or pioneering attitude. They warn against carelessness and impatience.
PENTACLES are earthy – practical, patient and materialistic. Pentacles’ cards define situations involving money and other material matters. They encourage practicality, commitment and common sense. They warn against getting bogged down in purely physical concerns.
SWORDS symbolise airy energy and are connected to ideas, logic & reason. Swords’ cards point to situations involving ideas, information and communication. They encourage clear thinking and adopting a rational approach. They warn against information overload and negative states of mind.
CUPS represent water energy – emotional, imaginative and intuitive. Cups’ cards describe situations that are emotional or that depend on the use of imagination or intuition. They encourage trust in instincts, dreams and visions. They warn against emotional over-sensitivity and self-deception.
The Tarot Court Cards can describe people who were born under zodiac signs of one of the elements. They can be chosen to represent the person being read for depending on the element of their Zodiac Sign.
If the reading was for an adult male born with Sun in Virgo, the King of Pentacles could be used to Signify him. If the reading was about a child born under the sign of Pisces, the Page of Cups could be used to represent them, and so on.
- King of Wands (fire) could be an Aries, Leo or Sagittarian male.
- Queen of Wands would be a female born under one of the fire signs.
- The Knight & Page of Wands could represent a younger person or child born with Sun in a fire sign.
- King of Pentacles (earth) could be a Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn male.
- Queen of Pentacles would be a female born under one of the earth signs.
- The Knight & Page of Pentacles could represent a younger person or child born with Sun in an earth sign.
- King of Swords (air) could be a Gemini, Libra or Aquarius male.
- Queen of Swords would be a female born under one of the 3 air signs.
- The Knight & Page of Swords could refer to a younger person or child born with Sun in an air sign.
- King of Cups (water) could be a Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces male.
- Queen of Cups would be a female born under one of the 3 water signs.
- The Knight & Page of Cups could refer to a younger person or child born with Sun in a water sign.
Try working with your favourite Tarot Deck and select the Tarot Suit (Wands, Pentacles, Swords or Cups) that corresponds to your Zodiac Sign Element (Fire, Earth, Air or Water).
Choose the Court Card that best describes you and meditate on it for a while to see how it reflects your qualities and characteristics.
For example if you are an Aries female in a personal or professional partnership with a Capricorn male you would look at the Queen of Wands and the King of Pentacles. If you are the Gemini elder brother of a Pisces younger sister, you would be the Knight of Swords and she would be the Page of Cups.
You can work with the Astro Oracle deck to understand more about Astrology and the four elements.
© Pauline Gerosa Astrology Oracle 2021 Image & Text