“I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I’ll go to it laughing.” Herman Melville
9th Zodiac Sign & Horoscope House
SAGITTARIANS ARE Adventurous Alert Explorers Intelligent Knowledgeable Live & Let Live Open-minded Optimistic Outdoorsy Philosophical Questing Restless Travellers
What’s Your Sign?
Your Zodiac Sign refers to which astrological constellation the Sun appeared to be in on the date of your birth. Each sign lasts for about 30 days, starting from around the 21st of each calendar month. If you were born close to the cusp of one sign and the next, you will need to check your year of birth for which date and at what time on that date, the Sun moved signs.
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, planet of expansion
- The Sagittarian character is influenced by the planet of discovery and growth, which brings an eagerness to explore anything new or unknown.
- Sagittarians are keen to keep moving so they can expand their existing levels of knowledge and experience.
- They are capable of high level understanding and tend to take a philosophical view of life. Their cheerful, optimistic approach is happy to live and let live.
- Sagittarians see Life as a journey and they believe that everyone should be free to walk their own path. They do not like being constrained by petty rules & regulations, or by limitations which do not make sense to them.
- Sagittarians are natural-born adventurers. They are outward-bound, eager to explore and expand their horizons.
- Sagittarians love finding answers to the question “why?”
- Sagittarians hate not having a target to aim at, or something to get excited about.
- Sagittarians come across as wise and open-minded and they are admired for their honesty and their ability to make the most of opportunity.
- Sagittarians are prone to restlessness. They lose focus and enthusiasm quickly and fail to finish what they start.
Sagittarians are drawn to professions which offer opportunities to expand and develop. Their career choices could involve travel (from local to global) or some form of interaction with foreign countries and cultures.
Sagittarian types are often to be found in higher education and in the personal growth/self-development industries. They will not want to be stuck in positions that keep them tied to a desk, unless their work allows them to explore on a mental or emotional level.
While natives of the 9th zodiac sign come across as open and accessible, many of them are guided by the words of the well known author Rudyard Kipling “He travels the fastest who travels alone.”
Sagittarians do not like people breathing down their neck or peering over their shoulder. They tend to distance themselves from authority figures – however influential and highly placed – who insist on telling them what to do and how to do it.
ROMANTIC Their initial zeal misleads them into thinking they have found the love of their life. And so they have – until a more exciting alternative comes along. It is important for Sagittarians to choose partners who are as free-spirited as themselves.
FRIENDSHIP Sagittarians look for fellow explorers and travel companions but they prefer people who can take care of themselves.
FAMILY Sagittarians will avoid heavy family ties, but they are happy to join in or offer help when needed.
PROFESSIONAL Sagittarians usually take a positive and optimistic view, but they tend to exaggerate and to count chickens before they hatch.
KEY RELATIONSHIP Whichever adventure, journey or learning curve Sagittarius is currently involved with would be given top priority in their life.
Sagittarian Mums and Dads are great so long as you don’t dump them with the kind of responsibility that clips their wings and limits their freedom. Their style of parenting is more about adventure, excitement, exploration and experience than ticking boxes. They tend to downgrade day to day duties and favour spontaneous, unplanned events which for less confident types of children could push their sense of safety a bit too far.
If you are a parent to a Sagittarian child, you had better be prepared to provide the ever-ready promise of new adventures. This kid is born to explore and discover, and will soon outgrow their familiar surroundings. They need stimulation, and their questing natures must be given free reign. Little Sagittarians do not ask “why?” without good reason. They are genuinely wishing to find the kind of answers which will satisfy their inner philosopher.
The generally positive attitude of this sign helps Sagittarians to stay healthy, but a tendency to over-indulge and over-extend themselves or to take careless risks could cause trips to hospital. The liver, hips and thighs can be problem areas for this sign.
Making money is just another adventure for this optimistic sign. Exciting opportunities to splash the cash are almost irresistible to them, especially when some form of new experience is involved. Sagittarians are not very interested in depth or detail. As long as they have enough income to maintain their chosen lifestyle, they do not really need to know more.
The Ninth Zodiac Sign is eager to explore, searching for novel experiences and increased awareness. A higher-than-average level of intelligence can create a tendency to be very bored when life gets monotonous or repetitive. It is at these times that Sagittarians are tested to find new meaning and opportunity for growth within their existing circumstances, no matter how restricted they may seem.
The Sagittarian House is about the urge to gain knowledge and experience and shows an interest in adventure, exploration, travel, philosophy, higher education and self-development. It also points to an interest in connecting with people from foreign languages, cultures and belief systems. This is the house of learning curves which can offer the opportunity to move further along the journey towards higher levels of consciousness.
People born with Sagittarius ascending over the Eastern horizon give the first impression of being positive and enthusiastic. Their up-for-anything approach galvanises the atmosphere around them, encouraging others to take a more adventurous attitude.
But they might promise overly optimistic outcomes that cannot be delivered, or which end in trouble because the gamble they proposed has proved too risky.
As a Fire Sign, Sagittarius has an affinity with the suit of WANDS which represents energy that is spontaneous, enthusiastic and entrepreneurial. Wands are about action and adventure.
They can also symbolise personal motivation and leadership potential. They warn against actions driven by arrogance, impatience, restlessness and recklessness.
Sagittarius is a Yang Sign ruled by Planet Jupiter. Under Jupiter’s influence, the 9th Zodiac Sign has the ability to guide and motivate others. The most confident and outgoing of the Gods, Jupiter inspires Sagittarians with self-belief and optimism. Mythological Jupiter (called Zeus in Greek mythology) was appointed ruler of the Gods and was honoured for his wisdom and his quick flashes of insight, as symbolised by his ability to throw bolts of lightning. Sagittarians tend to be very fast learners and they absorb information easily.
Jupiter was a notorious adventurer and his roving eye gave rise to several scandalous situations on Mount Olympus. Always looking for novel experience and pastures new, Jupiter was prone to restlessness. The Jupiter influence creates a taste for adventure and risk-taking in most Sagittarians. Deprived of the ability to expand their horizons they become restless and bored.
Sagittarian Element is Fire and Quality is Mutable
This combination gives the 9th zodiac sign an eagerness to grow and expand beyond existing horizons. Sagittarians become restless and dissatisfied if they feel confined within situations that have become stale and limiting to them. Their urge to keep moving and extending their field of vision can manifest on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Astrology suggests that it is easier for the three signs within one Element to get on together, as the energy which drives them comes from the same source. But this does not mean that relationships between signs from different elements are doomed to fail, although it might take longer for them to understand and accommodate the differences between them.
SAGITTARIUS with FELLOW FIRE SIGNS ARIES & LEO The three Fire Signs share an enthusiastic and optimistic approach to life and they can have great fun together. But there could be fierce competition amongst themselves for centre stage, which might lead to clashes of wills and egos.
SAGITTARIUS with EARTH SIGNS TAURUS, VIRGO & CAPRICORN Fire and Earth Signs can create extremely productive partnerships so long as their roles are clearly defined and properly rewarded. It is important that there is mutual respect for one another’s way of doing things.
SAGITTARIUS with AIR SIGNS GEMINI, LIBRA & AQUARIUS Fire is naturally attracted to Air as these elements complement each other very well. Timing is important however, as things can happen too fast and misunderstandings may occur, especially if both partners are distracted by interests outside the relationship.
SAGITTARIUS with WATER SIGNS CANCER, SCORPIO & PISCES Fire and Water is quite a steamy mix! There is loads of emotion and excitement although this combination can be draining and exhausting too. When these two elements make an effort to understand the ebb and flow of each others’ energies, their contradictions turn creative.
Traditional Astrology used to believe that it would be difficult for the four signs within one Quality to get on together. Actually they are perfectly capable of bringing out the best in one another. But relationships between them can be challenging for both partners, as disagreements could arise when their energies clash or turn confrontational.
SAGITTARIUS with FELLOW MUTABLE SIGNS GEMINI, VIRGO & PISCES These four signs share an ability to adjust and adapt to changing circumstances which ensures that life remains mobile and interesting. Difficulties would be caused by a lack of focus, or an inability to be clear about what both partners expected from the relationship between them. It is possible that they could wander off in diverse directions without identifying when, where, how and why they were going to meet up again!
MUTABLE SIGN SAGITTARIUS with CARDINAL SIGNS ARIES, CANCER, LIBRA & CAPRICORN It is a question of priorities. Once they have identified a specific target, Cardinal signs make it their overriding objective and aim their energies towards achieving it. Mutable signs tend to lack focus as their main motivation is to find variety and diversity in life. But Mutable signs could help their Cardinal pals to keep a range of options open rather than pursuing just one route, while Cardinal signs can ensure that their Mutable partners concentrate on one goal at a time.
MUTABLE SIGN SAGITTARIUS with FIXED SIGNS TAURUS, LEO, SCORPIO & AQUARIUS It is a question of intensity. Fixed Signs have a habit of giving their all to whatever they have chosen as their mission in life. Mutable signs seek a wide range of interests and prefer not to get bogged down in any single issue. Fixed signs could help their Mutable friends to go deeper and get more involved while Mutable signs can persuade their Fixed partners to lighten up and take things less seriously.
The Zodiac Band is divided into 12 equal sections of 30 degrees. Each of the Twelve Zodiac Signs is sub-divided into Three Decans of 10 degrees, or about 10 days. The decans are based on the element of the sign.
The first decan of Sagittarius is the strongest as it is a double dose of the same zodiac sign energies and characteristics. The second and third decans are modified by the qualities and traits of the other two signs belonging to the element of Fire – Aries & Leo.
0 to 9.59 degrees of Sagittarius (first ten days of the sign)
This is the most outgoing and optimistic section of the sign. First Decan Sagittarians have an extra helping of positive energy, which boosts their levels of self-belief and faith in the future. But because they find it easy to free themselves from fear, they may not be able to empathise with those who struggle to release doubts or who remain imprisoned by inhibitions.
Planet Jupiter’s expansive influence on this Decan can make this type of Sagittarian a bit too buoyant. There could be a tendency to by-pass any rainy-day forecasts or downbeat warnings, even though it would be wise to take them into consideration. And while First Decan Sagittarians will be able to find a silver lining in the most disastrous of experiences, people who have been encouraged by them to take the same risks may not be so lucky.
10 to 19.59 degrees of Sagittarius (middle ten days of the sign)
This section of Sagittarius is the most self-motivated within the sign. Second Decan Sagittarians take a gung-ho approach to life without much concern for the consequences of their actions. They are perfectly able to look out for themselves and they tend to take it for granted that everyone else is as independent as they are. Although they are ardent and romantic individuals, they are really not ready to be burdened by relationship responsibilities that might begin to bore them or limit their liberty in any way. They are at their best in the role of Knight in Shining Armour, galloping into the sunset with the current love of their life mounted behind them in the saddle.
Sagittarius energy is at its optimum pitch of enthusiasm in this Decan, but also at its most reckless – seeking activities that notch up existing levels of excitement and adventure. There can be something rather thoughtless about this urge to experience adrenaline rushes which risks repercussions with far-reaching consequences. But it can also be extraordinarily brave, with a fearless, pioneering approach to facing the unknown.
20 to 29.59 degrees of Sagittarius (last ten days of the sign)
This type of Sagittarius is the most self-confident of the 3 Decans. There is a bouncy self-acceptance which can be quite charismatic and which gives this section of the sign the ability to direct, guide and mentor others. Third Decan Sagittarians are more loyal and less restless than the other two sectors. It is almost as though they have found what they are looking for.
The Sun’s influence on this Decan boosts levels of physical, mental and emotional strength, suggesting that Sagittarians of this sector can go as far as they want to. The only boundaries to their potential are self-imposed. Just because it is obvious to others that they could rule the planet does not mean they will decide to do so. They may inhabit a rich inner sphere that to them is far more interesting and exciting than anything to be experienced in the real world. The biggest pitfall for Sagittarians of this Decan is that of hubris as their high level of self-assurance makes it easy for them to assume that they are superior to most mere mortals.