“Hide not your talents, they for use were made, What’s a sundial in the shade?” Benjamin Franklin
2nd Zodiac Sign & Horoscope House
TAUREANS ARE Appealing Calming Capable Comfortable Down-to-Earth Leisurely Natural Resourceful Sensual Steady Stubborn Talented Tranquil
Your Zodiac Sign refers to which astrological constellation the Sun appeared to be in on the date of your birth. Each sign lasts for about 30 days, starting from around the 21st of each calendar month. If you were born close to the cusp of one sign and the next, you will need to check your year of birth for which date and at what time on that date, the Sun moved signs.
Taurus is ruled by Venus, planet of pleasure and enjoyment
- The Taurean character is influenced by the gracious planet of peace and harmony. Their ideal choice is to take life at a calm, unhurried pace. They seek a trouble-free existence in a comfortable, harmonious environment.
- Taurus individuals appreciate Nature and natural beauty. They enjoy the simple, sensual pleasures of life and they value quality over quantity.
- The 2nd zodiac sign is naturally honest and sincere. Those born under Taurus prefer people who are genuine. They are looking for the real thing and they are not impressed by short term showiness or superficial glamour.
- Taureans can get too attached to their comfort zones and find it difficult to accept alternative arrangements, even when it is in their own best interests.
- Taureans love their creature comforts, and they enjoy all forms of beauty whether natural or artistic.
- Taureans hate physical discomfort, feeling unsettled or being hurried. They do not like having to get cross. Once they are angry, it takes them a long time to regain their equilibrium.
- Taureans come across as attractive, talented and charming. They have a calming effect and a natural ability to make others feel comfortable and secure.
- Taureans can place too much importance on familiar ways, patterns and habits which limits their ability to explore new ways of seeing the world.
The most resourceful of the zodiac signs, Taurus is born with the abilities needed to build a successful career. Some Taureans choose to share their talents with the world on their own stand-alone terms, although they will probably appoint people they can trust to help them manage the business side of their profession. Others will prefer to settle in the sort of well-established organisation that promises them a job for life with a substantial pension to ease their retirement.
Natural choices for this talented and capable sign are the banking and building industries, conservation and sustainability, agriculture and landscaping, gardening, talent recruitment, arts and crafts, music. Taureans usually give very good value and it pleases them when their input is adequately appreciated.
ROMANTIC The giving and receiving of affection makes Taurus feel contented and secure. They take a sensual approach to loving that is both natural and unselfconscious.
FRIENDSHIP Taureans make loyal, constant and reliable companions so long as they can stay within their comfort zone and the atmosphere remains calm and easy-going.
FAMILY Taurus is reassured by the continuity and permanence of family ties and usually remain loyal to their roots, even through the most testing of times.
PROFESSIONAL Taureans can be territorial so it is best to clarify what belongs to whom and who is getting paid to do what right from the outset.
KEY RELATIONSHIP If Taureans do not feel comfortable where they are, they find it difficult to function. So their key relationship is likely to be the one they have with their surroundings.
The best kind of Taurean Mums and Dads take a calm, relaxed, patient attitude to parenting. They prefer their kids to grow up in a healthy, undemanding atmosphere in natural surroundings. But there can be a tendency to impose their strongly-held values on children who should be allowed to form their own ethics and standards in life.
If you become a parent to a Taurus child, you should be prepared to cope with a certain amount of stubborn resistance. These little bulls do not like to be hassled and hurried out of their natural rhythm and they prefer to respond in their own time. Sensual comfort is very important to them and once their basic needs have been satisfied they can settle back to enjoy the simple pleasure of being alive.
Taureans usually have strong constitutions and generally enjoy good health. They may have problems with the throat, and with the glandular system. There could be a tendency to take their well-being (whether physical, mental or emotional) for granted and they may resist changes which could benefit their long-term welfare.
For Taurus, money provides security, comfort, enjoyment and beauty – surely the most important things life has to offer! Taureans will work steadily to maintain a good standard of living as they do not like being without the fundamental financial income that reinforces their sense of stability.
The Second Zodiac Sign is naturally resourceful and tends to have a talent for creating and attracting material wealth. It prefers to take life at a slower, more relaxed pace so that things can be done thoroughly. Taurus individuals do not like to be hurried or pressured into moving before they are ready. What is the point of pushing and striving if you end up with no time to enjoy the simple pleasures of life?
The Taurus House points to tangible resources ranging from material possessions and financial assets, to useful qualities and talents. It defines personal values and describes abilities which can be used to generate wealth and abundance. The 2nd house is about ways in which life is enriched by the use of physical senses and through the enjoyment of simple pleasures.
People born with Taurus ascending over the Eastern horizon tend to give off a relaxing, reassuring vibe which can be very calming. The first impression they make is of someone who is quite laid back and content to let things coast along. They may not say much, unless the subject is one they are interested in, or feel confident about discussing.
But they can also be a bit too honest and down to earth so if you are looking for flattery and adulation, it might be better to find someone born while Gemini, Libra or Virgo were rising!
As an Earth Sign, Taurus has an affinity with the suit of PENTACLES which represents energy that is practical, sensible and realistic. Pentacles are about material matters involving money, property and earthly goals.
They can also symbolise issues around ambition, achievement and social status. They warn against placing too much value on manmade objects or becoming overly attached to passing pleasures.
Taurus is a Yin Sign ruled by Planet Venus (called Aphrodite in Greek mythology) Goddess of Relationships, Resources, Art and Beauty. Her influence gives Taureans an appreciation for all kinds of beauty, whether natural or artistic.
According to mythology, Venus attracted many admirers, drawn to her by her obvious charm and sensuality. Her influence makes this Zodiac Sign physically attractive to others and talented in tangible ways. Venus also gives Taurus the gift of being able to relish the simple pleasures in life.
Taurus Element is Earth and Quality is Fixed
This combination produces energy that is calm and relaxed, with a preference for permanence and predictability.
Taureans can become quite unsettled and defensive when they are faced with the prospect of change. They tend to stick with situations which keep them within their comfort zone. They do not appreciate unnecessary upheaval or the upset and disruption it involves and they avoid it whenever possible.
Astrology suggests that it is easier for the three signs within one Element to get on together, as the energy which drives them comes from the same source. But this does not mean that relationships between signs from different elements are doomed to fail, although it might take longer for them to understand and accommodate the differences between them.
TAURUS with FIRE SIGNS ARIES, LEO & SAGITTARIUS Fire and Earth Signs can create extremely productive partnerships so long as their roles are clearly defined and properly rewarded. It is important that there is mutual respect for one another’s way of doing things.
TAURUS with FELLOW EARTH SIGNS VIRGO & CAPRICORN Earth Signs share an interest in practical projects and tangible results, but they can encourage each other to get over-involved in material matters. It is important that they take time out from fulfilling their worldly duties to relax and enjoy life.
TAURUS with AIR SIGNS GEMINI, LIBRA & AQUARIUS Pair-ups between Earth and Air Signs can be rather dry unless there are shared interests, ideals and activities to provide the passion. But both elements are interested in getting to grips with the logical side of life.
TAURUS with WATER SIGNS CANCER, SCORPIO & PISCES Earth and Water Sign compatibility can be very satisfying on all levels: physical, mental and emotional. But this relationship could become rather exclusive, which might make others feel left out. Misunderstandings arise when Earth finds Water too sensitive and Water feels that Earth should be more imaginative.
Traditional Astrology used to believe that it would be difficult for the four signs within one Quality to get on together. Actually they are perfectly capable of bringing out the best in one another. But relationships between them can be challenging for both partners, as disagreements could arise when their energies clash or turn confrontational.
TAURUS with FELLOW FIXED SIGNS LEO, SCORPIO & AQUARIUS These four signs share the same values when it comes to loyalty and perseverance. Most difficulties within the relationship would be caused by stubborn pride and a reluctance to concede to one another’s point of view. But as both partners are interested in staying involved for the long term, they are prepared to invest time and energy in trying to reconcile their differences.
FIXED TAURUS with CARDINAL SIGNS ARIES, CANCER, LIBRA & CAPRICORN It is a question of outcomes. Cardinal signs insist on identifying goals and timelines as they expect to see results sooner or later. Fixed signs tend to get caught up in an ongoing situation and will prolong the process in order to stay involved with it. But Fixed signs can provide the patience that Cardinal signs sometimes lack while Cardinal signs could help Fixed signs to avoid becoming stale and stuck in a rut.
FIXED TAURUS with MUTABLE SIGNS GEMINI, VIRGO, SAGITTARIUS & PISCES It is a question of intensity. Fixed Signs have a habit of giving their all to whatever they have chosen as their mission in life. Mutable signs seek a wide range of interests and prefer not to become bogged down in any single issue. Fixed signs could help their Mutable friends to go deeper and get more involved while Mutable signs can persuade their Fixed partners to lighten up and take things less seriously.
The Zodiac Band is divided into 12 equal sections of 30 degrees. Each of the Twelve Zodiac Signs is sub-divided into Three Decans of 10 degrees, or about 10 days. The decans are based on the element of the sign.
The first decan of Taurus is the strongest as it is a double dose of the same zodiac sign energies and characteristics. The second and third decans are modified by the qualities and traits of the other two signs belonging to the element of Earth – Virgo & Capricorn.
0 to 9.59 degrees of Taurus (first ten days of the sign)
This is the most resourceful and down-to-earth section of the sign. Taurean energy in the First Decan is particularly patient but also resolutely resistant to being pushed or hurried. This type of Taurus is tuned into the natural rhythms of Planet Earth, which is why they trust their own instincts on what to do and when to do it. They choose quality over quantity and would rather take the time and trouble to ensure that high standards are sustained. Why bother making or doing something that will not last or that is not fit for purpose?
The Venus influence on this Decan offers the sensual, earthy talents of the artist and the artisan, as well as an unforced love of beauty, art and music. There is also an ability to appreciate life’s simple pleasures, and to value Nature’s seasonal cycles and the graceful abundance of her myriad forms.
10 to 19.59 degrees of Taurus (middle ten days of the sign)
Taureans of this Decan are more mobile and flexible and less resistant to change than the other two sections of the sign. They are the most practical and hard-working, as well as the most reliant on systems and timetables. They need a regular daily routine in order to feel secure. They also require a simple, wholesome diet that fuels their sense of natural health and wellbeing. Their bodies may function more efficiently on several small, light meals rather than large amounts of food in one sitting.
Mercury’s influence on this kind of Taurus indicates a flair for administration and the organisation of information. There could also be natural skills which combine manual dexterity with an eye for harmony and consistency. 2nd Decan Taureans do not mind the kind of meticulous, detailed work that alienates less precise and conscientious people.
20 to 29.59 degrees of Taurus (last ten days of the sign)
This is Taurus energy at its most aspirational. Perhaps the more materialistic of the 3 Decans, this type of Taurus must guard against gathering riches simply in order to impress others. It would be better for them to gain social status through the use of their talents and abilities. This section of the sign is particularly gifted in regard to strategic planning and their professionalism will be valued in whatever industry they enter. They are reassuringly expert in their approach which gains the respect they seek.
The ambitious influence of Saturn on this Decan blends well with the natural patience and calm resourcefulness of Taurus. It is a combination that can go far in the corporate world, but Third Decan Bulls should also remember how important it is to take time out for rest and relaxation.