“So you’re a little weird? Work it! A little different? OWN it! Better to be a nerd than one of the herd!” Mandy Hale
11th Zodiac Sign & Horoscope House
AQUARIANS ARE Democratic Different Eccentric Freedom-loving Friendly Futuristic Inventive Humanitarian Original Rebellious Unexpected Unconventional Unique.
What’s Your Sign?
Your Zodiac Sign refers to which astrological constellation the Sun appeared to be in on the date of your birth. Each sign lasts for about 30 days, starting from around the 21st of each calendar month. If you were born close to the cusp of one sign and the next, you will need to check your year of birth for which date and at what time on that date, the Sun moved signs.
Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, planet of innovation & change
- Original and unpredictable energy
- Need to feel at ease with their own uniqueness
- Can experience themselves as eccentric or view themselves as misfits.
- Prefer not to be burdened by the emotional wants, needs and expectations of others.
- Happier in kindred spirit group settings, where people support one another but everyone is responsible for their own role.
- Aquarians are natural-born rebels: idealistic, unconventional and forward-thinking.
- Aquarians like to do things their own way and they hate being controlled, or told what to think.
- Ownership, possessiveness and loss of freedom are their enemies and they side with the underdog.
- Aquarians are trend-setters and their individualistic style stands out from the crowd.
- People admire their inventiveness. Most Aquarians would rather drive an old banger powered by a recycled central heating boiler than a flashy new car.
- Aquarians can be stubborn, rigid and dogmatic. Sometimes they contradict just for the sake of being different.
This sign is looking for a profession which leaves them at liberty to work on their own terms, using their own techniques. Aquarians are natural free-lancers or sole traders. They are not keen on following orders and they might struggle in corporate structures which demand absolute obedience to strict rules and regulations. They tend to rebel against any procedures and protocols that are designed to impose uniformity.
Aquarians do not try to impress anyone, they just aim to deliver results which hit the nail on the head then go one step further. As their innovative approach might seem strange to more conventional types, they can feel like misfits in old-school organisations which insist on sticking to tradition. But they work well in group and team settings, so long as the atmosphere is non-judgemental, egalitarian and democratic.
The internet is a natural habitat for Aquarians on the look out for a suitable career because it offers an experimental environment where options can be considered without commitment. This sign has an affinity with new technologies, which Aquarians are usually very good at adapting to their own uses. They prefer to figure things out for themselves rather than be guided by formal instructions provided by a stranger.
ROMANTIC Although they are moved to tears by humanitarian causes, Aquarians are less easily influenced by emotion when things get too personal.
FRIENDSHIP This is the Aquarian ideal. Generally, the 11th zodiac sign is happier in friendships or group activities than on an intense one to one basis.
FAMILY Aquarians can feel like misfits in their own tribe. They do not do so well in conventional family setups and they prefer to belong to a group of free-thinking kindred spirits.
PROFESSIONAL Aquarians tend to think outside the box, which can make them seem rebellious and uncooperative. They perform best when they are guided by their own rules and procedures.
KEY RELATIONSHIP Aquarians prioritise their kindred spirit contacts with special friends and groups of like-minded colleagues.
Aquarian Mums and Dads treat their offspring as people rather than under-aged adults. They cultivate a kindred-spirit atmosphere and they encourage their kids to be physically and emotionally self-sufficient. The Aquarian parenting style could be described as friendly but slightly detached. While they are happy to help out in most ways, they prefer not to be dragged into dramas involving intense and complex feelings.
If you are a parent to an Aquarian child, you should get ready to expect the unexpected. These intelligent little innovators cannot be bound by convention. They are not born to tick boxes, but to think outside them. Your Aquarian offspring is likely to be fascinated by the future and more interested in what is going to happen rather than how things used to be back in the day.
Aquarians may experience problems with their blood circulation and nervous system. The Aquarian tendency to be out of sync with their physical body can have the same effect as an un-earthed electrical plug creating energy that is jittery, erratic and difficult to control.
Aquarians see money as the root of most of the world’s problems although they accept it as a way to buy personal freedom. They are hoping for a future where financial systems are much more humanitarian and democratic.
The Eleventh Zodiac Sign is interested in innovation. Aquarians love to do things differently and their role is to channel change onto the Earth plane. This is the sign that astrology considers to be evolutionary. When it is working well, it helps to advance human society with new sciences and technologies. But when it malfunctions, it brings catastrophic upheaval, rebellion and revolution.
The House of Aquarius describes attitudes to friendship, to kindred spirits and to fellow humans generally. It also gives insight into hopes and dreams for the future. The 11th house points to potential in team and tribal settings and roles involving group activities. It is about shared ideals which prompt people to pool their ideas and energies and pull together for the greater good of all.
People born when the sign of Aquarius was ascending over the eastern horizon create the impression of an original, unconventional character. There is usually something unusual about the form of someone with this rising sign. It could be that their physical body is unique in some way or they may dress in a distinctive style which separates them from the common herd. They may identify with a specific social group, tribe or cult, in which case their outward appearance and approach would reflect this allegiance.
Although Aquarius Rising is not the easiest ascendant to get along with, these people are able to bring much needed fresh air into stale situations. They offer outside the box insights on existing issues and their unorthodox perspectives provide an alternative view of the future.
As an Air Sign, Aquarius has an affinity with the suit of SWORDS which represents energy that is abstract and intellectual. Swords are about ideas, information and communication.
Swords can also symbolise the presence of conflict between different points of view. Trust issues arise when data that is delivered is discovered to be unreal, unreliable or untrue.
Aquarius is a Yang Sign ruled by Planet Uranus, which inspires the 11th Sign with originality and inventiveness. According to mythology, Uranus came from the sky to mate with Terra (Gaia in Greek legend). He fathered the first generation of gods and goddesses. Aquarians are “creatures of the sky”. Their abstract ideas and unworldly ideologies can make them feel different from the more earthy, practical people around them.
Uranus was the father of Aphrodite (or Venus), the fair goddess of peace and harmony. Under this father-daughter influence, Aquarians are able to bring new ideas into the world with the aim of making life on Planet Earth fairer and more enjoyable for everyone.
Aquarius Element is Air and Quality is Fixed
This combination brings an innovative, evolutionary quality. Quirky and unorthodox, with an interest in all things original, Aquarian energy is not governed by convention. But it can get entrenched in its own way of viewing the world.
Aquarians tend to stick stubbornly to their own ideas and ideals about how to live life, which at times can make them appear rebellious and eccentric.
Astrology suggests that it is easier for the three signs within one Element to get on together, as the energy which drives them comes from the same source. But this does not mean that relationships between signs from different elements are doomed to fail, although it might take longer for them to understand and accommodate the differences between them.
AQUARIUS with FIRE SIGNS ARIES, LEO & SAGITTARIUS Fire is naturally attracted to Air and generally speaking, these elements complement each other very well. Timing is important however, as things can happen too fast and misunderstandings may occur, especially if both partners are distracted by interests outside the relationship.
AQUARIUS with EARTH SIGNS TAURUS, VIRGO & CAPRICORN Pair-ups between Earth and Air Signs can be rather dry unless there are shared interests, ideals and activities to provide the passion. But both elements are interested in getting to grips with the logical side of life.
AQUARIUS with FELLOW AIR SIGNS GEMINI & LIBRA Air Signs share an interest in ideas, information and communication, but if everyone is speaking their own words or thinking their own thoughts, then who is listening? This can be a rather unfeeling combination unless both partners make a point of declaring their inner emotions.
AQUARIUS with WATER SIGNS CANCER, SCORPIO & PISCES The elements of Air and Water can work well when there is a sharing of creative insight. Air signs help the water signs to put their ideas into words, and water signs help air signs to express their imagination. But there are times when the emotional intensity of water is like an alien language which air finds difficult to interpret.
Traditional Astrology used to believe that it would be difficult for the four signs within one Quality to get on together. Actually they are perfectly capable of bringing out the best in one another. But relationships between them can be challenging for both partners, as disagreements could arise when their energies clash or turn confrontational.
AQUARIUS with FELLOW FIXED SIGNS TAURUS, LEO & SCORPIO These four signs share the same values when it comes to loyalty and perseverance. Most difficulties within the relationship would be caused by stubborn pride and a reluctance to concede to one another’s point of view. But as both partners are interested in staying involved for the long term, they are prepared to invest time and energy in trying to reconcile their differences.
FIXED SIGN AQUARIUS with CARDINAL SIGNS ARIES, CANCER, LIBRA & CAPRICORN It is a question of outcomes. Cardinal signs insist on identifying goals and timelines as they expect to see results sooner or later. Fixed signs tend to get caught up in an ongoing situation and will prolong the process in order to stay involved with it. But Fixed signs can provide the patience that Cardinal signs sometimes lack while Cardinal signs could help Fixed signs to avoid becoming stale and stuck in a rut.
FIXED SIGN AQUARIUS with MUTABLE SIGNS GEMINI, VIRGO, SAGITTARIUS & PISCES It is a question of intensity. Fixed Signs have a habit of giving their all to whatever they have chosen as their mission in life. Mutable signs seek a wide range of interests and prefer not to become bogged down in any single issue. Fixed signs could help their Mutable friends to go deeper and get more involved while Mutable signs can persuade their Fixed partners to lighten up and take things less seriously.
The Zodiac Band is divided into 12 equal sections of 30 degrees. Each of the Twelve Zodiac Signs is sub-divided into Three Decans of 10 degrees, or about 10 days. The decans are based on the element of the sign.
The first decan of Aquarius is the strongest as it is a double dose of the same zodiac sign energies and characteristics. The second and third decans are modified by the qualities and traits of the other two signs belonging to the element of Air – Gemini & Libra.
0 to 9.59 degrees of Aquarius (first ten days of the sign)
This is the most unorthodox section of the sign. Aquarian energy in the First Decan produces the true Evolutionaries of the zodiac. It is almost as though they have come from the future to introduce energies which have the potential to move human society forward. This type of Aquarian might find it difficult to acclimatise to present-day Planet Earth and (what appears to them) its comparatively clunky and outdated way of doing things.
While the Uranus influence on this Decan supplies the unconventional, unpredictable ground-breaking Genius Gene, it can also create a wide streak of eccentricity which might make individuals born into this Decan feel like misfits or strangers in a strange land. But although the tendency not to belong to any particular social set could seem lonely or isolated, it allows these one-off characters to stay free to be Unique.
10 to 19.59 degrees of Aquarius (middle ten days of the sign)
This is Aquarian energy at its most fluent. The ability to translate and interpret futuristic concepts comes more easily to this section of the sign, which enables this type of Aquarian to communicate complex facts and figures in formats that are relatively easy to understand. They will probably be interested in a diverse number of topics but technological, scientific or sociological subjects could well hold a stronger significance for them.
The quick-thinking influence of Mercury on this Decan may mean that these Aquarians will have to battle with boredom, especially if they are stuck in a conventional classroom filled with slow learners. It is at this point that they could become disruptive or un-cooperative. Ideally, some bright spark will tune into their wavelength and realise how tedious traditional learning is for them.
20 to 29.59 degrees of Aquarius (last ten days of the sign)
This is Aquarian energy at its most equable. Aquarius has a reputation for rebelliousness which can test the most tolerant of partners. But Third Decan Aquarians are more likely to compromise and collaborate than other sections of the sign. They retain a tendency to value friendship as the preferred way of relating to others but there could be rather more respect for romance!
The sociable influence of Venus on this Decan brings an ability to understand that people do not have to be alike to get on with one another. In fact, the most interesting connections can be those that cross countries and cultures and which celebrate the differences between individuals and their circumstances. Third Decan Aquarians are tailor made for remote or online dating, where they can link up with kindred spirits without having to relinquish their physical freedom.