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Astrology for December 2024

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All dates and times in this article are based on Universal Time Zone (UTC). © Text & Astrology Images Pauline Gerosa Astrology Oracle


When you realise you have been granted free will with regard to all aspects of your earth plane existence which allows you to choose between

  1. being swept helplessly along by the Tides of Life
  2. surfing the waves of Cosmic Consciousness that flow through our Solar System

you are more likely to select the second option! By being aware of the energies emanating from the Heavenly Bodies surrounding our planet you re-awaken the ability to tune in to their influence and use it to manifest your own reality. You then become a living channel for the high-frequency intelligence that both heals and helps humanity by changing it for the better.

Solar Season

SAGITTARIUS SEASON started on 21st November and continues to the 21st of this month when the Sun moves into zodiac sign CAPRICORN at the December solstice. The solar blend involving mutable FIRE & cardinal EARTH elements produces an interesting mix of confidence and caution. These two qualities combine to help you create plans that are both optimistic and realistic. Whereas the sky is the limit as far as your ambition is concerned, you remain fully conscious of the need to prepare for unexpected obstacles, setbacks and delays. Your ability to adapt to changing circumstances as they arise guarantees the successful outcomes you hope to achieve.



This is an optimum time to begin an adventure which promises to expand your existing levels of knowledge and experience. It is rather like setting out on a journey into the Unknown. Hopefully, the prospect will fill you with excitement, even if it makes you feel somewhat scared. Just make sure you carry out the risk-assessment and security checks that will protect you against potential hazards and mishaps. At this stage you are simply exploring the options open to you and it might be wiser not to narrow your scope until you feel certain that you have finally discovered The Real Thing!

Because this New Moon triggers a mutable T-square pattern with Saturn in Pisces & Jupiter in Gemini, it would probably be wise to allow enough time for preparation and practice rather than leaving everything to the last minute. Lady Luck smiles especially kindly on those fully-insured outward-bound optimists who carry their own safety nets! more about New & Full Moons

2-7 December 2024
Planetary Placements & Patterns

SUN CONJUNCT MERCURY IN SAGITTARIUS square Saturn in Pisces, opposing Jupiter in Gemini – You may be struggling to gain a clear sense of purpose and direction. You have so much to say but your ideas seem to get lost in translation. This is a key learning curve for you, so please do not give up on searching for the ways and means to get your message across.

VENUS IN CAPRICORN square Eris in Aries, trine Uranus in Taurus, conjunct Ceres in Capricorn – Your rich reserve of resourcefulness enables you to achieve your ambitions and provides you with a lasting sense of satisfaction and fulfilment. You are too talented to let anything or anyone stop you from gaining your goals.


Try not to get downhearted, however sharp the attacks to your self-esteem may be. This is a test in maintaining motivation in spite of setbacks. Be proud of your ability to keep going even though your Ego might have been sorely dented. It could help to look for role models who have been confronted by similar situations yet, thanks to their own determination, courage and drive, have managed to triumph over turmoil. Their just reward is a strengthened sense of self respect that is robust enough to withstand the severest test of confidence.


Venus, planet of resources and relationships, is in Aquarius for the second time in 2024. She is giving you another chance to apply your natural gifts and talents in innovative, original ways so that you gain a fresh perspective on your true capabilities. Venus is also urging you to break free from orthodox value systems which prevent you from forging kindred spirit connections within tribes you may previously have perceived to be alien to your own. The wild child side of this placement of Venus rebels against the outdated idea that differences must be seen as divisions.

Both sides of this ingress of Venus into Aquarius receive support from Ceres and Pluto, suggesting that you should be taking the talents which single you out as unique very seriously. They are the raw materials that empower the productivity of your creative process. You were born with them, they are factored into your soul plan, nobody can deprive you of them. Please do not take them for granted!


Caring Ceres moves into the most humanitarian of the 12 zodiac signs, offering her fertile influence to the peoples of Planet Earth. Ceres can help us to create innovative schemes for lighter, more sustainable ways of feeding ourselves and nurturing our needs. The seeds of new technologies designed to mimic nature have been sown. They include forms of energy generation which follow organic processes and replicate their unique stages, phases, rhythms and cycles of growth. What was formerly termed trash to be thrown away will soon start to be reclaimed as the source of raw material for fresh projects. Inspired by Ceres, we are now realising that the quality of our future depends on our ability to safeguard the present.


Even though we may not be aware that we are directly involved in the movement that is creating a shift in consciousness on our home planet, we are all contributors in one way or another. Gradually, it is beginning to dawn on us that we have total control over our own perceptions and therefore over our own lives. We are channelling the influences from Neptune that are helping us to unlock the power of our imagination and change the state of our minds through the use of self-belief, positive thoughts and imagery. Many of us are receiving and transmitting inspirational energy while we are asleep, meditating, dozing or daydreaming.

8-18 December 2024
Planetary Placements & Patterns

VENUS & CERES IN AQUARIUS conjunct Pluto in Aquarius, trine South Node in Libra, opposing Mars in Leo – Humanity’s extraordinary fertility creates an amazing ability to generate outside the box ideas which result in rapid progress. This blessing becomes a curse when the selfish gene steps in and individual Egos wrest control from our collective consciousness, where it truly belongs. No single human being has the right to empower themselves by dominating or directing our shared evolutionary process here on Planet Earth.

SUN IN SAGITTARIUS trine Chiron & Eris in Aries, square Neptune in Pisces – Once you realise that most of your problems are caused by the formless doubts and fears which infiltrate your energy field, you are well on the way to fulfilling the quest for self-healing. You must actively defend yourself against the insidious influence of these unseen energies. Do not allow them to stifle your spirit of adventure or undermine your willingness to welcome all the opportunities that are offered to you as you travel along your Life Path.


An educational programme, a sales or marketing idea, a communication or logistics project could be coming to fruition. It has passed through the elementary stage and is now ready to be taken to the next phase of development. This would be a good point to address any teething problems which may prevent you from moving your creation to a more advanced level. You could consider looking to contacts within your local community for imaginative input and emotional support. Bearing in mind that life on Planet Earth is a learning curve which inevitably offers you a mixed bag of experiences, you should always anticipate positive outcomes!

This Full Moon creates a couple of strong solar aspects which should be taken into account. A feisty fire trine from the Sun to Eris could boost your ability to act with courage and assertiveness in fiercely competitive situations. But a stressful quincunx between the Sun & Uranus warns you not to go too far beyond the limits of your current levels of knowledge and experience. more about New & Full Moons


Perhaps you have developed a bigger picture of your situation and you can now see it from a wider perspective. This should enable you to take a more philosophical approach which will protect you from any tendency to take things personally. Your higher view can help you to see the various options open to you, so that you no longer feel restricted by previous doubts about lack of opportunity. Your mind is a magnificent instrument which allows you to imagine an endless array of potentials and possibilities. All you have to do is envisage yourself enjoying them!

20-26 December 2024
Planetary Placements & Patterns

JUPITER IN GEMINI trine Venus in Aquarius, square Saturn in Pisces, opposing Mercury in Sagittarius – This is a lucky layout, provided you can overcome the formless fears which could be preventing you from holding your hands up to receive the blessings you were born to enjoy. Perhaps you feel you are asking too much of life and that you cannot possibly expect all your wishes to be granted. If so, this sense of impending disappointment will stop you from stepping forward into the future with a head full of dreams and a heart full of hope. Do your best to dismiss the doubts and replace them with an optimistic outlook.


The Sun has entered the third and final Earth sign, which marks a milestone in your progress towards the manifestation of your goals. Once again you have reached the turning of the year so be of good cheer! You have come this far, regardless of all the obstacles and delays which blocked your way. You are ready to give yourself a pat on the back for surviving through the hard knocks and for optimising any opportunities that crossed your path. It is now time to evaluate your progress and formulate plans for the next stage of your endeavour. Try not to get drawn into negative doubts and fears about the future. Look to your own situation and play up the positivity within it. Simplify the stuff that complicates your life, especially if it has anything to do with worldly achievement, social status or impressing other people. Your personal happiness and fulfilment are paramount, and far more important than wasting precious hours on stressing about keeping up appearances.

Shortly after the Solstice Sun moves into Capricorn, it falls into a T-square formation with the North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra. This is a key turning point which should be marked by a commitment to release yourself from any attachment to experiences that inhibit your ability to achieve your goals in life. You alone are responsible for expressing and fulfilling your true potential. Others may offer help and support but nobody else can complete the Soul Plan that you signed up for! more about the Nodes in your Birth Chart

27-31 December 2024
Planetary Placements & Patterns

MERCURY IN SAGITTARIUS square Saturn in Pisces, trine Chiron in Aries – People who scoff at the suggestion that a positive mindset is the key to self-healing are probably blighted by the deadweight of negative thoughts and judgements. This makes it difficult for them to look further than their own misfortunes to see the sunny uplands of an optimistic outlook, where endless options, opportunities, possibilities and potentials await their attention.

VENUS IN AQUARIUS square Uranus in Taurus – The free spirit in you hates to be told what to do, especially if you do not agree with the reasons why you are being asked to co-operate. But even the most ardent aspects of your rebellious streak are too switched on to realise when it is an utter waste of time, energy and resources to continue denying and defying what cannot be changed. There are far more constructive ways of using your unique talents and abilities.

PLUTO IN AQUARIUS trine South Node in Libra – Humanity evolves through a system based on the inheritance of experience passed down through the years from one generation to the next. True consciousness comes from our understanding of how to transform the toxic waste within our collective gene pool into something that serves the best interests of all concerned. This is the mysterious “lead to gold” alchemy of ancient civilizations whose wisdom far exceeded our current levels of comprehension. But we are rapidly remembering our rightful heritage. We are fast approaching the time when we become fully enlightened and no longer need to struggle against the destructive forces of ancestral fate. The sins of the fathers will have no further influence over the lives of their children.


When you initiate any self-healing procedure it is very important to remember that motivation is the magic ingredient which will ensure a successful outcome. Your willingness to win against the problems that plague your life determines the extent and effectiveness of your victory. There may be certain aspects of your process which cannot be carried out by you alone, and that require specialist input from others. Asking for assistance in these circumstances is not a display of weakness, it is a highly sensible move and a symptom of your self-awareness. The courage and enthusiasm you bring to your cure will enhance the abilities of any consultants, counsellors, therapists and practitioners who come to your aid, helping them to help you to help yourself!

Want to know how current Planetary Positions & Patterns influence your birth chart? ASK ME ABOUT A PERSONAL READING


“To change the world around us, we need to change ourselves first” Santosh Joshi

“When we heal ourselves, we heal the world. For as the body is only as healthy as its individual cells, the world is only as healthy as its individual souls.” Mark Nepo


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