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2024 Astrology for March

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All dates and times in this article are based on Universal Time Zone (UT). © Pauline Gerosa Astrology Oracle Images & Text


Pisces Season began on 19th of February and continues until 20th of this month when the Sun moves into the first fire sign Aries, at the March Equinox.

“Be brave to stand for what you believe in even if you stand alone.”

Roy T. Bennett

The 3rd month of 2024 offers a solar blend of water and fire elements which enables us to integrate inspiration with motivation. From the magical realm of dreams that floats far above our 3D existence comes the courage, confidence and conviction we need to pursue visions of a beautiful world filled with forms which sparkle and glow with loving light energy.

Your Zodiac Sign This Month

The strongest influences to your birth sign will come from:
• planets passing through your Zodiac Sign
• New and Full Moons affecting your section of the Zodiac
• the current placement of your Ruling Planet and the connections it creates
• your Ruling Planet moving retrograde or direct
(see the list of ruling planets at the end of this post)

Movement of the Moon

The Moon passes through your Zodiac Sign 1-2 times per month. Because La Luna affects your moods and emotions you may find that your feelings are more sensitive when she is in your sector of the zodiac. Your instincts are intensified at this time, and you are at your most intuitive and imaginative. Read more about the MOVEMENT OF THE MOON

MOON VOID OF COURSE phases are when the Moon makes no more astrological connections to any planet before it moves into the next zodiac sign. Traditional astrology believes that anything important which is initiated during these times is unlikely to come to full fruition or reap the results that are anticipated, or hoped for. Download this month’s void of course times & dates here.

29 February-2 March MOON IN SCORPIO square Pluto, Mars & Venus in Aquarius, trine Saturn, Sun, Mercury & Neptune in Pisces, opposing Jupiter & Uranus in Taurus.

Trust in your own instincts will carry you through turbulent, transformational times. Do not let unexpected or extreme events undermine your conviction that you will be safely guided to the most benevolent outcomes, regardless of the disorder and disruption you might witness taking place in the outside world.

2-4 March MOON IN SAGITTARIUS square Saturn, Sun, Mercury & Neptune in Pisces, trine North Node, Chiron & Eris in Aries.

True courage carries a strong strain of common sense which offers protection against reckless risk-taking. There is no point in diving into deep water without teaching yourself to swim before you fling yourself in. A wise warrior is familiar with the full extent, as well as the limitations, of their own energy field.

2-5 March Planetary Placements & Patterns
Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus
Mars in Aquarius trine South Node in Libra

Take care that your personal freedom is not compromised by any unwillingness on your part to see both sides of a situation. The smartest move would be to take a cool, detached, non-judgemental approach to the circumstances you are dealing with. An impersonal attitude is far more likely to galvanise the progressive goals and evolutionary outcomes you have been hoping to achieve.

4-7 March MOON IN CAPRICORN conjunct Ceres in Capricorn, trine Jupiter & Uranus in Taurus, square North Node, Chiron & Eris in Aries.

Personal productivity is at an all-time high, attracting an unusual degree of opportunity. It would be a shame therefore, if you were not completely clear about your motives for setting up a specific goal to be achieved. The overriding reason for selecting a particular plan or creative design should be personal fulfilment.

7-9 March MOON IN AQUARIUS conjunct Pluto, Mars & Venus in Aquarius, square Jupiter & Uranus in Taurus, trine South Node in Libra.

It is perfectly possible to be your own person standing strong in your own ideals and convictions without having to rebel against current conventions. While they may appear to be obstacles on your path to progress, they are actually offering you the opportunity to invent new ways of moving past them.

7-9 March Planetary Placements & Patterns
Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces
Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

There is no limit to the out-of-this-world ideas flowing like a current through your stream of consciousness and if ever there was a time to catch a dream and pin it down, it is now! All you need to worry about is whether the channel you are tuned into can be trusted to deliver information that is both benevolent and beneficial. Some of the concepts could be ahead of their time, which makes them seem outlandish, and impossible to achieve under current conditions. But do not let concerns about how and when things will materialise dent your belief in a potentially fabulous future for all who live on Planet Earth.

9-11 March 2024 MOON IN PISCES conjunct Saturn, Sun (New Moon) & Neptune in Pisces.

All we need to believe is that we are infinitely beautiful & benevolent spiritual beings from the realms of light & love who have willingly incarnated into a very dense and difficult 3D experience in order to manifest Cosmic Consciousness on the Earth Plane.


The pace picks up again, favouring a communication style that is focussed, sharp and direct. Unless the delivery of your information is relevant and to the point, you will be wasting time and energy as well as causing confusion and frustration. Because this placement of Mercury can be tactless, be careful not to blurt out things that would be better kept to yourself. Think before you speak because the unvarnished truth can get you into trouble. Try not to jump to conclusions or interrupt before you have heard the whole story. But feel free to call the speaker to attention when they start to repeat their story or lose track of their subject! Sun Signs most affected: Aries, Gemini & Virgo


If your wish is to manifest anything in material form, you always have to start with a vision. Ideally, it will be one that inspires you and fills you with the desire to express your imagination. This New Moon can help you to create the design or blueprint from which to build. You are sowing the seeds for something that at present is just a dream. But over time it will blossom into an earth-plane expression of what your higher senses had foreseen for you. Remember that at this stage there are no limits to the possibilities you might perceive through the lens of your mind’s eye. The constraints of real life methods and materials will be met later on, so there is no point wasting time worrying about them now.

11-13 March MOON IN ARIES conjunct Mercury, North Node, Chiron & Eris in Aries, square Ceres in Capricorn.

Please be assured that your self-healing process is totally on track. There is no need to question the speed of your progress, or to doubt the distance you have covered so far. Your focus should be on where you intend to end up, regardless of the delays and difficulties that are bound to cross your path.


You may be feeling ultra romantic or sentimental but please try not to be unrealistic in your expectations of other people. Accept them as they are with all their human faults. Fall in love with the actual person, rather than some figure of fantasy dreamed up by your imagination. Make sure you keep your feet firmly on the ground regarding matters involving your material security and avoid the temptation to squander your savings on stuff that satisfies fleeting desires. This is a good time to invest your money in charitable schemes so long as you are sure they are regulated with care and honesty. The one area in which you can afford to dream big is that of making the best use of the gifts you were born with. The sky is the limit on this one and the only curbs on how high you can fly would be fluctuating levels of self-esteem or doubts about your own abilities. Sun Signs most affected: Taurus, Libra & Pisces

13-15 March MOON IN TAURUS square Pluto & Mars in Aquarius, trine Ceres in Capricorn, conjunct Jupiter & Uranus in Taurus.

There is no need to bully yourself to transform your circumstances until you have reached a deep understanding of what is really going on. This is an organic process which will carry you through a series of stages, each of which offers an important and enriching learning curve. Please do not put yourself under pressure to finish each phase before it has completed the task of evolving you!

15-17 March MOON IN GEMINI trine Pluto & Mars in Aquarius, square Venus, Saturn, Sun & Neptune in Pisces, trine South Node in Libra.

You are being trained in the art of tuning into powerful cosmic forces whose mission is to guide and support you as you learn to interpret signs, symbols and signals from high frequency sources. Your ability to understand these ethereal instructions is extremely important to the evolution of life on planet earth.

16-21 March Planetary Placements & Patterns
Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces
Mercury in Aries square Ceres in Capricorn, conjunct North Node & Chiron in Aries
Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces

This energy combination offers limitless potential, provided we tune into its most benevolent qualities. The path that stretches out before us is paved with hopes for a kinder and more compassionate world. It must not be hijacked by liars and thieves whose only goal is selfish gain, in spite of their empty promises to take care of those who cannot look after themselves. Empathy rules in a not-too-far-off future where everyone is valued on their own merits. “Sharing is Caring” is the collective mantra for all who inhabit the Earth Plane as it finally regains the highly-prized status of heaven in material form.

17-19 March MOON IN CANCER trine Saturn, Neptune & Sun in Pisces, opposing Ceres in Capricorn, square Mercury, North Node, Chiron & Eris in Aries

Lack of trust in your emotional and imaginative intelligence manifests as a lack of patience with yourself. When you cannot or will not wait for results to manifest, you are negating your own creative process. Instead of tuning into the timeless guidance of your Wise Self via your unseen senses, you criticise and doubt every step of the progress you are making.

19-22 March MOON IN LEO opposing Pluto & Mars in Aquarius, square Jupiter & Uranus in Taurus, trine North Node, Chiron, Mercury & Eris in Aries.

Self-healing is a highly complex, unpredictable and often exhausting process which seems to involve a long and arduous journey filled with forward, backward and sideways moves. Your most effective weapons in the relentless war against wounded-ness are confidence, courage and a can-do mindset!


We have arrived at the March Equinox and now is the time to set your goals for the coming season. Start out with an overall idea of what you would like to achieve during the year and then break the path to your ultimate objective into a series of shorter term goals, or destinations. The Sun’s energy blazes brightly in dynamic fire sign Aries, where it can help to boost your confidence, motivation and enthusiasm. But it might heighten your levels of impatience, so be careful not to push yourself too hard, too soon. Targets and deadlines can be used to keep you on track, but try not to pin all your hopes on hitting them. See them as something to aim for rather than defining them as outcomes which must be either won or lost. The point is to stay focussed on gaining the prizes which offer you a true sense of success and personal accomplishment. Sun Signs most affected: ARIES, LEO

22-24 March MOON IN VIRGO opposing Saturn, Venus & Neptune in Pisces, trine Ceres in Capricorn, trine Jupiter & Uranus in Taurus.

Your commitment to creating your own reality should be a daily affair. Extraordinary results will not happen without your input and interest, which must be provided on a regular basis and a every stage of your manifestation project. Neglected dreams can never come true.


This placement of the action planet in the most visionary of zodiac signs could mean that your energy will be engaged by goals which inspire you by stimulating your imagination. You need to feel excited and impassioned about what you are aiming for, otherwise there will be nothing to fuel the desire to hit targets. You may start to be attracted by subjects with an unworldly quality that touches you on an emotional level. Your empathy and compassion for weak and vulnerable souls could be awakened and you might feel motivated to do something positive on their behalf. Do not be surprised if your physical stamina takes on an ebb-flow quality. You will be able to optimise your drive during its dynamic phase so long as you respect the need to retreat into a rest break when your strength starts to deplete. These random interruptions to your momentum might feel chaotic but they are a vital aspect of a highly creative process. Embrace them, enjoy them, much as you would welcome gentle waves on a beach after a stormy night at sea! Sun Signs most affected: Aries & Pisces

24-27 March MOON IN LIBRA trine Pluto in Aquarius, opposing Sun (Full Moon), Chiron, Eris & Mercury in Aries, square Ceres in Capricorn, conjunct South Node in Libra.

However difficult and daunting the task you face appears to be, you are well able to complete it. You were born with all the attributes you need to succeed in your mission. The added bonus is the profound level of healing that is achieved, for yourself, your ancestors and finally for the generations to follow you.

25 March FULL MOON IN LIBRA (Lunar Appulse Eclipse)

This is the perfect time to evaluate decisions taken earlier in your current creative process. You might need to compromise on certain aspects of your choices in order to achieve more favourable outcomes. Try to maintain a balanced attitude, especially if your emotions are being pulled in opposite directions or you are feeling frustrated by your apparent inability to take decisive action. Do not be afraid to ask for advice from others before you seal the deal but do not feel obliged to accept their counsel unless it hits just the right note. Trust your judgement to select the perfect priorities for you. The lunar eclipse could provide a happy marriage of intellect and intuition which will enable you to achieve smart outcomes that are brimming with artistry, poise and style.

26-29 March Planetary Placements & Patterns
Mercury conjunct Eris in Aries
Ceres in Capricorn square North Node in Aries & South Node in Libra

A courageous, confident mindset is your most effective weapon against any tendency to doubt your own ability to succeed. Once you learn that failure is a mental concept that does not really exist, you begin to see how important it is to keep going and to carry on trying, fighting, climbing. The goal is: NEVER GIVE UP!

27-29 March MOON IN SCORPIO square Pluto in Aquarius, trine Mars, Saturn, Venus & Neptune in Pisces, opposing Jupiter & Uranus in Taurus.

The stubborn urge to resist changes which have to happen in order to evolve your current circumstances will have a self-sabotaging effect. Surrender your human need to control and turn to your wise Soul Self for guidance on courses of action which will manifest the most benevolent outcomes.

29 March-01 April MOON IN SAGITTARIUS square Mars, Saturn, Venus & Neptune in Pisces, trine Sun, North Node, Chiron, Eris & Mercury in Aries.

Resist the temptation to run after idealistic, unrealistic outcomes which lack clarity and definition. Set your sights on what is achievable and focus your energy on hitting the type of target that brings you a strong sense of personal accomplishment.

Planetary Rulers of Zodiac Signs

Planet Mars rules Aries, Planet Venus rules Taurus & Libra, Planet Mercury rules Gemini & Virgo, The Moon rules Cancer, The Sun rules Leo, Planet Pluto rules Scorpio, Planet Jupiter rules Sagittarius, Planet Saturn rules Capricorn, Planet Uranus rules Aquarius and Planet Neptune is ruler of Pisces. More about ZODIAC SIGNS and their Rulers.



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