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2024 Astrology for January

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note: all dates and times in this article are based on Universal Time Zone (UT)

© Pauline Gerosa Astrology Oracle Images & Text


Welcome to 2024! Here are the highlights in this year’s 1st month astrological placements, patterns and cycles. Invite them to guide and empower your manifestation projects and ask for their assistance when you struggle to cope with the harsher aspects of life on Planet Earth.

Capricorn Season began on 22 December 2023 at the end of year Solstice and continues until the 20th of this month when the Sun moves into the third air sign Aquarius. January is a solar blend of earth and air elements which enables us to evolve existing ideas and systems so they can continue to operate successfully far into the future. By combining past experience with innovative insight there is no reason why we should not be able to solve even the most pressing of Humanity’s problems.

Current shifts in planetary positions are drawing attention to the need for high frequency Cosmic Consciousness that will dissipate the dense and heavy forces which generate chaos, disaster and suffering on the Earth Plane. Whenever you are confronted with these mutant energies, encircle them in a psychic web of healing light and invoke their ability to evolve. And please try not to be too concerned about the way things seem to be spiralling into a bottomless pit of despair. The work you put into using your own energy and influence constructively rather than destructively can make all the difference in the world!

As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.” Paul Shane Spear

Your Zodiac Sign This Month

The strongest influences to your birth sign will come from:

  • planets passing through your Zodiac Sign
  • New and Full Moons affecting your section of the Zodiac
  • the current placement of your Ruling Planet and the connections it creates
  • your Ruling Planet moving retrograde or direct
    (see the list of ruling planets at the end of this post)

Movement of the Moon

The Moon passes through your Zodiac Sign 1-2 times per month. Because La Luna affects your moods and emotions you may find that your feelings are more sensitive when she is in your sector of the zodiac. Your instincts are intensified at this time, and you are at your most intuitive and imaginative. Read more about the Movement of the Moon

MOON VOID OF COURSE phases are when the Moon makes no more astrological connections to any planet before it moves into the next zodiac sign. Traditional astrology believes that anything important which is initiated during these times is unlikely to come to full fruition or reap the results that are anticipated, or hoped for. Download this month’s void of course times & dates here.

31 December 2023-3 January 2024 MOON IN VIRGO square Venus, Ceres, Mercury & Mars in Sagittarius, trine Sun & Pluto in Capricorn, opposing Saturn & Neptune in Pisces, trine Jupiter & Uranus in Taurus.

PINPOINT THE POTENTIAL Patience and persistence are your strongest allies if you are coping with chaos and confusion. Refuse to be rushed and do not fall prey to persuasive people who are hoping you will take the rap for their carelessness.

POSSIBLE PITFALLS It is time to reinforce your personal boundaries so they become totally impervious to invasion by unseen forces. Empower your energy field by sustaining a sense of core strength and grounded-ness.

1 January Planetary Placements & Patterns

Venus in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces
Chiron in Aries trine Ceres in Sagittarius

If your self-esteem is suffering a low patch, try to find the underlying cause for this dip in self worth. Perhaps some undefined incident in the past where you felt severely judged or undervalued continues to haunt you, no matter how hard you try to escape its clutches.

You are being presented with an opportunity to heal the wound, so long as you are prepared to put time and effort into discovering its origins. Once you achieve this goal, you will be set free to create a far more loving and fulfilling relationship with your Self.


You are becoming increasingly aware of how the nature of things can change, depending on where you are coming from and the circumstances that surround you. And you are starting to see that truth is relative. The only right answers are those based on 3D physical reality, like 2 + 2 = 4. Everything else is a matter of opinion and subject to philosophical debate. So if someone tells you they know it all, you can assume they are suffering from a superiority complex. All they should be trying to do is offer you information which could lead you to come to your own conclusions. Sun Signs most affected: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius

3-5 January MOON IN LIBRA square Sun & Pluto in Capricorn, opposing Chiron & Eris in Aries, conjunct South Node in Libra.

PINPOINT THE POTENTIAL Drawing on the resources of charm, tact and diplomacy you have inherited through your ancestral line will help you achieve the justice and healing you seek.

POSSIBLE PITFALLS Try not to be tempted to forsake your natural inclination to be fair and forgiving, even when you are faced with fierce provocation. You must not be forced to act in ways which might make you feel guilty or ashamed.


This could be seen as the most ambitious of planetary placements since it combines a willingness to win with the urge to achieve your ambitions. It helps you to define goals, particularly the type of aspirations that provide you with long term targets on which to focus your motivation and drive. The influence of Mars in Capricorn supports strategic planning to ensure the most effective use of energy and the optimisation of outcomes. Strict discipline is considered an asset, as is obedience to procedures and protocols which are guaranteed to get results. This is not the best time to improvise or to initiate unproven methods. Better stick to the tried and tested expertise that is readily available from existing instruction manuals and rule books. You could tap into the positive potential of this placement by using it to strengthen your resolve and reinforce your readiness to aim high. It may take longer and it could test your levels of patience and endurance to hold out for top-quality results but it will be worth it in the long run. Sun Signs most affected: Aries, Capricorn

5-7 January MOON IN SCORPIO trine Saturn & Neptune in Pisces, opposing Jupiter & Uranus in Taurus.

PINPOINT THE POTENTIAL Marvellous for manifesting your Soul Purpose, so long as you are prepared to surrender to its call. You are being invited to co-create with the Cosmos!

POSSIBLE PITFALLS Try not to resist your own evolutionary process because you do not trust yourself to cope with the huge changes demanded of you. You were born to live through this time of transition.

6-9 January Planetary Placements & Patterns

Sun in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries
Mercury in Sagittarius trine Eris in Aries, square Neptune in Pisces

You could be struggling with painful wounds created by a sense of failure. Who you are and what you do apparently does not measure up to the expectations placed upon you. However hard you try to achieve worldly status and respect, you cannot seem to make the grade.

Maybe it is time to see things from a fresh perspective. Have you been striving to attain results which do not really mean much to you? If so, you might make better progress once you start to set your own priorities, goals and directives. Freedom from the need to fulfil a role that does not ring true to you will help you start living the life you really want.

7-10 January MOON IN SAGITTARIUS square Saturn & Neptune in Pisces, conjunct Venus, Ceres & Mercury in Sagittarius, trine Chiron, North Node & Eris in Aries.

PINPOINT THE POTENTIAL Give full reign to your creative talents, ideas and insights as they can help you to gain considerable progress on your journey towards self-healing.

POSSIBLE PITFALLS Do not give in to doubts about whether you are headed in the right direction. Let your warrior spirit assert itself to fight and vanquish all fear of failure.

10-12 January MOON IN CAPRICORN conjunct Sun (New Moon), Mars & Pluto in Capricorn, trine Jupiter & Uranus in Taurus, square Chiron, North Node & Eris in Aries.

PINPOINT THE POTENTIAL Now is the time to assert your ambition. Trust that all the resources you need to build your way to success are in place and take it from there. The only way is up!

POSSIBLE PITFALLS While it is important to create a clear course forward, try not to get impatient if deadlines have to be missed. Your frustration could become a problem in itself.

10-12 January Planetary Placements & Patterns

Sun in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus, square North Node in Aries & South Node in Libra
Mars in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus
Venus in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries
Ceres in Sagittarius trine North Node in Aries

Your willingness to work constructively with change ensures that your strategy for future success provides long-lasting results. Your ability to trust the decisions you make in the present provides you with the confidence to adjust your scheme to suit an ever-evolving environment.

Your adventurous approach is tempered by the wisdom of experience. You face the Unknown protected and supported by a healthy combination of self-esteem, conviction, courage & confidence. So long as you are happy to honour the process of your unfolding plans, allowing things to happen organically in their own time and in their own way, you will be sure to enjoy a sustained sense of personal satisfaction and self-fulfilment.


This is the optimum time to set intentions and sow seeds for new growth in your vocation, career or profession. You are at the initial stage of creating strategies which provide the structure and timelines to help build and sustain your progress. This phase could feel like selecting a recipe or template designed to generate new birth. But please be aware that the magic ingredient which guarantees successful outcomes for your plans is patience. Your ability to endure delays and disappointments is the key to gaining your goals.

Because this New Moon creates a dynamic T-square formation with the North Node in Aries & the South Node in Libra, there could be a strong sense of standing at a cross roads. Resist any temptation to fall back into a tendency to question your decision to move in a definite direction. So long as you are completely clear that this is what you want to do, there should be no further need to justify the choice you have already made.


Eris is blamed for being a negative influence but in reality, she is not the true source of conflict, rivalry and discord on Planet Earth. It is humans who misuse her power to promote and promulgate aggressive action in the world so as to satisfy their own selfish purposes. Feisty Eris would far rather see us behaving like the brave warriors and fearless heroines from ancient times who were ready to defend their tribes by waging war against the wild and dangerous forces of destruction which threatened their existence. All Sun Signs affected

12-14 January MOON IN AQUARIUS square Jupiter & Uranus in Taurus, trine South Node in Libra.

PINPOINT THE POTENTIAL There are times when it is better to rely on the inborn intelligence you have inherited from your ancestors and this is one of them. Everything you need to know is provided by your gene pool and written into your Soul Plan.

POSSIBLE PITFALLS Please do not try to reinvent the wheel. Your resources can be put to much better use by taking something that already exists and evolving it to the next level of usefulness.

14-16 January MOON IN PISCES conjunct Saturn & Neptune in Pisces, square Venus & Ceres in Sagittarius.

PINPOINT THE POTENTIAL The successful delivery of your Cosmic Manifestation Order is facilitated by your undying patience, faith and trust that your dreams are coming true.

POSSIBLE PITFALLS The Higher Realms do not condone instant gratification, so try not to be too greedy or self-indulgent when you submit your wish lists to the Cosmos. An attitude of gratitude is the magic ingredient that ensures the most benevolent outcomes.

14-19 January Planetary Placements & Patterns

Sun in Capricorn square Eris in Aries
Venus in Sagittarius trine North Node & Eris in Aries,
conjunct Ceres in Sagittarius, square Neptune in Pisces
Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus

Situations of strife are generally caused by the clashing of primitive Egos. Peace and harmony are restored when enough people are willing to open their hearts and minds to the possibility of finding more intelligent ways of resolving differences. Everything is then evolved to a far higher frequency, which encourages what might seem like magical, mystical interventions to occur, showering the earth plane with metaphysical knowledge, wisdom and blessings in the form of positive outcomes for all concerned.


Put your mind into planning mode. Use it to create strategies for long-term success. Draw on experience you have gained over time, and look to respected role models for their specialised guidance and instruction. This could be the optimal occasion to compile your CV. Make sure that everything you put into it is relevant and of interest to authority figures who might be interviewing you in future. It is important to stress the reasoning that guides your decisions, especially if they do not appear to follow conventional routes to achievement. This is a process which requires care and attention as it gives structure and form to your aims, ambitions and prospects. Sun Signs most affected: Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn

16-18 January MOON IN ARIES square Mercury, Mars, Sun & Pluto in Capricorn, conjunct Chiron, North Node & Eris in Aries, trine Ceres & Venus in Sagittarius.

PINPOINT THE POTENTIAL Your self-healing process is moving through a particularly productive phase, benefitting from fresh perspectives on your situation and creative insights into what can be done to make things much better.

POSSIBLE PITFALLS You might need to battle against negative beliefs that are so deeply ingrained it seems they will always dominate your life. The time has come to break free from their control by reclaiming your true identity as a powerful and invincible Warrior Soul from the realms of Light.

18-20 January MOON IN TAURUS trine Mercury, Pluto & Sun in Capricorn, conjunct Jupiter & Uranus in Taurus.

PINPOINT THE POTENTIAL This is the perfect time to generate an authentic, unshakeable sense of abundance which will last your whole life long, because it is based on an awareness of your personal powers, talents, strength and resourcefulness.

POSSIBLE PITFALLS Try not to take anything for granted. Abundance is a state of being, but your attitude of gratitude is the magic ingredient that sustains the benevolence and keeps it coming.

20-22 January MOON IN GEMINI square Saturn & Neptune in Pisces, trine South Node in Libra, opposing Ceres & Venus in Sagittarius.

PINPOINT THE POTENTIAL When you are struggling to learn difficult life lessons, remember to call on your ancestors. They are always standing by, ready and willing to offer the advice and support that will help you pass your exams with flying colours.

POSSIBLE PITFALLS Try not to give in to depression and despair because the outlook seems so hopeless. There could be something very special waiting to happen, it is just that you cannot see it yet because the time is not quite right.


The Sun’s force is now being filtered through the element of Air, which enhances your ability to think for yourself and to form your own opinions. Once you accept that your life is yours to control, direct and create you can get started on deciding what to do with it. Follow your own star, dare to be different, dazzle the world with your unique quality and style. You can determine your own destiny! The future is yours to fulfil. The properties of Sun Sign Aquarius work well in team settings, or in tribes of kindred spirits who hold similar ideas and ideals without being afraid to agree to disagree on specific aspects of a situation. This is a good time of year to join a group of like-minded souls who share your views on how to make the world a better place. Because Aquarius is associated with innovative technology, virtual meetings can be just as friendly as in-body experiences.

21 January The Sun joins up with the Pluto ingress into Aquarius, creating an intensely potent wave of transformational energy. Its empowering influence can help you conquer the destructive forces that dominate your life and hold you hostage. In spite of strong resistance from the low-frequency impulses of your incarnated self the outcome is inevitable. You emerge triumphant, rising like a phoenix, in your true identity as an immortal Being of Light, beloved Child of the Stars.

Sun Signs most affected: Leo, Aquarius


Pluto is in the process of settling into Aquarius where it will reside for almost twenty years to come, although it will return to the last degree of Capricorn for a short stay (September-November 2024). The influence of this small but potent planet is intense, creating challenging circumstances which ultimately lead to transformation and rebirth. The transition time between breakdown and regeneration is tough, as is any experience whose purpose is to demolish and rebuild. The sign of Aquarius is all about social systems that honour Humanity as a whole rather than single individuals with specific qualities. Everyone, from humble to high, is an expression of an exclusive aspect of Cosmic Consciousness and should be respected for their unique contribution to society. If this fundamental principle of the Universal Order has been broken or ignored then Pluto will bring retribution to the lawbreakers. Their abuse of the powers granted to them will be revenged and the riches they accumulated will be removed and redistributed. Sun Signs most affected: Scorpio, Aquarius

22-25 January MOON MOVES INTO CANCER trine Saturn & Neptune in Pisces, opposing Mercury & Mars in Capricorn, square Chiron, North Node & Eris in Aries.

PINPOINT THE POTENTIAL Bringing structure and discipline to your creative process will help you to manifest it in material form.

POSSIBLE PITFALLS Try not to be intolerant of the mistakes you are bound to make when you attempt to do something for the first time. Your unreasonably high standards will always make you feel like a failure, regardless of how wonderful your results really are.

22-28 January Planetary Placements & Patterns

Ceres in Sagittarius trine Eris in Aries, square Neptune in Pisces
Mars & Mercury in Capricorn square Chiron & North Node in Aries
Sun in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus

Your lack of trust in a benevolent future keeps pushing you back into survival mode. The anticipation of a life filled with trials and tribulations is preventing you from moving to the next stage of your self-healing process. While it is true that there are fundamental changes to be made before you transition to thriving mode, they are not so enormous as they might seem from where you are standing. There is no doubt that you are completely capable of carrying them out. You were born with all the resources you need to turn your world around and make it magnificent once more.


There is nothing starry eyed or easily deceived about Venus when she is in Capricorn. She is perfectly capable of falling in love, but only after she has considered the long term implications of sharing her life with someone. If you see yourself as rather too vulnerable when it comes to giving your heart away, you can invoke the expertise of Venus in Capricorn to help you hold back until you carry out a damage control inventory and put a definite plan in place. Insofar as natural gifts are concerned, Venus in Capricorn is very shrewd about assessing her own capabilities. She respects them but she does not overestimate their value. Her motto is practice makes perfect. She is prepared to put time and effort into achieving her ambition which is to make the most of her assets. Her reward is to be accepted as an expert in her field. You can tune into this aspirational aspect of Venus to help you realise how to turn your talents into tools for gaining professional recognition and success. Sun Signs most affected: Taurus, Libra, Capricorn

25-27 January MOON IN LEO opposing Pluto & Sun (Full Moon) in Aquarius, square Jupiter & Uranus in Taurus, trine Chiron, North Node & Eris in Aries, trine Ceres in Sagittarius.

PINPOINT THE POTENTIAL It is time to indulge your Inner Child’s creative urge to play and act, unselfconsciously experimenting in a joyful, magical environment where there are no limits and time stands still.

POSSIBLE PITFALLS Strict deadlines are the kiss of death where confident creativity is concerned. Projects and designs which should be allowed to develop organically cannot come to full fruition if the pressure to produce results is too intense.


This is the right time to celebrate and be proud of who you are and what you have accomplished so far. You have proved your potential, you are aware of your ability and you are ready to take your well deserved place on the world stage. An authentic sense of inner self-respect will sustain you as you move into the next phase of your personal quest to express your true nature by honouring the promise you were born to fulfil. But a Leo Full Moon reminds us that, no matter how famous, influential and important a person perceives themselves to be they are not immune from the need to account for their behaviour while they are on planet Earth. Big-hearted loving kindness is the true gift of Leo, whereas pompous arrogance is the downfall of this sign.

27-30 January MOON IN VIRGO opposing Saturn & Neptune in Pisces, trine Venus, Mars & Mercury in Capricorn, trine Jupiter & Uranus in Taurus, square Ceres in Sagittarius.

PINPOINT THE POTENTIAL A huge amount can be achieved so long as you stay focussed on the key goals in your long term plans for success. By keeping an eye on major changes that are likely to affect current trends in world affairs, you will stay well ahead of any rivals in your field.

POSSIBLE PITFALLS Try not to be distracted by niggling concerns about whether the grass might be greener in any garden other than your own. Be faithful to your own patch and work hard to make it produce the most delicious and nutritious fruit in town.


Moving through the stolid sign of Taurus, unpredictable Uranus is raring to revolutionise us in ways that we will not be able to ignore! His objective is to evolve us by waking us up and shaking us out of our comfort zones, even if the only way to do so is by making the ground move under our feet. We may quake in fear at the thought of such upheaval, but trapped inside most of us is an Inner Wild Child – a free spirit who is longing to break out of its box, however cosy the cage may be. Uranus aims to remind us that every single being who lives on Planet Earth has a unique value that cannot be replicated or substituted in any way. Sun Signs most affected: Taurus, Aquarius

28-29 January Planetary Placements & Patterns

Mercury & Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus
Venus in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus

If ever there was a moment to accept that it is perfectly possible to remain calm through turbulent times it is now. The sagest souls have learned to accommodate periods of change and embrace the evolutionary opportunities they offer. We know from experience that eras come to an end when their natural cycle is complete. Experience teaches us that this is a fundamental law of life, therefore there is no point in trying to escape the inevitable. It is far more constructive to create systems and designs which allow plenty of room for innovative development. The wisest and most successful form of planning always accounts for the unexpected and unforeseen.

30 January-1 February MOON IN LIBRA trine Pluto & Sun in Aquarius, square Venus, Mars & Mercury in Capricorn, opposing Chiron, North Node & Eris in Aries, conjunct South Node in Libra.

PINPOINT THE POTENTIAL The future is created in the present. Once you accept this edict as an undeniable truth you enter into a warm and loving co-creative relationship with the Cosmos. You will then be able to manifest moment after moment of your ideal life.

POSSIBLE PITFALLS Try not to let your life be governed by remotely run rules and regulations which seem totally divorced from the reality you inhabit. You are completely capable of organising your own environment. You are always free to set your own priorities and to choose only the goals that ring true for you.

Planetary Rulers of Zodiac Signs

Planet Mars rules Aries, Planet Venus rules Taurus & Libra, Planet Mercury rules Gemini & Virgo, The Moon rules Cancer, The Sun rules Leo, Planet Pluto rules Scorpio, Planet Jupiter rules Sagittarius, Planet Saturn rules Capricorn, Planet Uranus rules Aquarius and Planet Neptune is ruler of Pisces. More about ZODIAC SIGNS and their Rulers.



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